TOEIC英・英単語 A-1

a couple two things or people of the same kind: a small number of things
a good[great] deal a large quantity of something [= a lot]
a pile of / piles of If you talk about a pile of something or piles of something, you mean a large amount of it
a series of A series of things or events is a number of them that come one after the other
a stack of / stacks of a large amount of something
a variety of a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way
a wealth of a lot of something useful or good
abandon /əbæ'ndən/ v. to leave a place, thing or person forever: to stop doing an activity before you have finished it
abate /əbéit/ v. to become less strong
abbreviate /əbrí:vièit/ v. to make a word or phrase shorter by using only the first letters of each word
abbreviated /əbrí:vièitid/ adj. made shorter
abbreviation /əbrì:viéiʃən/ n. a short form of a word or expression
abide /əbáid/ v. used to say that someone dislikes something or someone very much: to live somewhere
abide by to accept and obey a decision, rule, agreement etc, even though you may not agree with it
ability /əbíləti/ n. the physical or mental power or skill needed to do something
able /éibl/ adj. to have the necessary physical strength, mental power, skill, time, money or opportunity to do something
abnormal /æbnɔ':rməl/ adj. different from what is usual or average, especially in a way that is bad
aboard /əbɔ':rd/ adv.prep. used when talking about getting onto a ship, aircraft, bus or train
abolish /əbɑ'liʃ/ v. to end an activity or custom officially
above all (things) / above (and beyond) all else most importantly
abroad /əbrɔ:d/ adv. in or to a foreign country or countries
absent /æ'bs(ə)nt/ adj1. not at work, school, a meeting etc, because you are sick or decide not to go
absent /æ'bs(ə)nt/ adj2. if someone or something is absent, they are missing or not in the place where they are expected to be
absent /æ'bs(ə)nt/ adj3. a look etc that shows you are not paying attention to or thinking about what is happening
absenteeism /æ`bsntí:ìzm/ n. regular absence from work or school without a good reason
absolute /æ'bsəlù:t/ adj1. very great or to the largest degree possible: used when expressing a strong opinion
absolute /æ'bsəlù:t/ adj2. describes a ruler who has unlimited power
absolute /æ'bsəlù:t/ adj3. not dependent on anything else; true, right, or the same in all situations
absolutely /æ'bsəlù:tli/ adv1. completely and in every way: used to emphasize something
absolutely /æ'bsəlù:tli/ adv2. used to say that you completely agree with someone
absorb /æbsɔ':rb/ v1. to take something in, especially gradually: to reduce the effect of a physical force, shock or change
absorb /æbsɔ':rb/ v2. to interest someone so much that they do not pay attention to other things
abundant /əbʌ'ndənt/ adj. more than enough
academic /æ`kədémik/ adj1. connected with education, especially studying in schools and universities
academic /æ`kədémik/ adj2. involving a lot of reading and studying rather than practical or technical skills
academic /æ`kədémik/ adj3. good at subjects involving a lot of reading and studying
academic /æ`kədémik/ adj4. not connected to a real or practical situation and therefore not important
academic /æ`kədémik/ n. a person who teaches and/or does research at a university or college
accelerate /æksélərèit/ v1. When a vehicle or its driver accelerates, the speed of the vehicle increases
accelerate /æksélərèit/ v2. If a person or object accelerates, it goes faster
acceleration /æksèləréiʃən/ n. when something goes faster, or its ability to do this
accelerator /æksélərèitər/ n. the pedal in a vehicle that makes it go faster
accept /æksépt/ v1. to agree to take something: to say 'yes' to an offer or invitation
accept /æksépt/ v2. to believe that something is true: to consider something or someone as satisfactory
acceptable /ækséptəbl/ adj. satisfactory and able to be agreed to or approved of: just good enough, but not very good
acceptance /æksépt(ə)ns/ n1. general agreement that something is satisfactory or right, or that someone should be included in a group
acceptance /æksépt(ə)ns/ n2. the act of agreeing to an offer, plan or invitation: accepting a difficult or unpleasant situation
access /æ'kses/ n. the method or possibility of approaching a place or person, or the right to use or look at something
access /æ'kses/ v. to open a computer file in order to look at or change information in it
accessible /æksésəbl/ adj. able to be reached or easily got
accidental /æ`ksədéntl/ adj. happening by chance
accidentally /æ`ksədént(ə)li/ adv. by chance or by mistake
accommodate /əkɑ'mədèit/ v. to provide with a place to live or to be stored in: to give what is needed to someone
accommodating /əkɑ'mədèitiŋ/ adj. describes a person who is eager or willing to help other people, for example by changing their plans
accommodation /əkɑ`mədéiʃən/ n. a place to live, work, stay, etc. in: [-s] a place to stay when you are travelling, especially a hotel room
accompaniment /əkʌ'mp(ə)nimənt/ n. music that is played with someone who is singing or playing the main tune
accompany /əkʌ'mp(ə)ni/ v1. to show someone how to get to somewhere: to go with someone to a social event or to an entertainment
accompany /əkʌ'mp(ə)ni/ v2. to go with someone or to be provided or exist at the same time as something
accompany /əkʌ'mp(ə)ni/ v3. to sing or play an instrument with another musician or singer
accompanying /əkʌ'mp(ə)niiŋ/ adj. appearing or going with someone or something else
accomplish /əkɑ'mpliʃ/ v. to finish something successfully or to achieve something
accomplished /əkɑ'mpliʃt/ adj. skilled
accomplishment /əkɑ'mpliʃmənt/ n1. something that is successful, or that is achieved after a lot of work or effort
accomplishment /əkɑ'mpliʃmənt/ n2. the finishing of something: a skill
accord /əkɔ':rd/ n. (a formal) agreement
accord /əkɔ':rd/ v. to treat someone specially, usually by showing respect
according to as stated by: in a way that agrees with
accordingly /əkɔ':rdiŋli/ adv. in a way that is suitable or right for the situation
account /əkáunt/ n1. an arrangement with a bank to keep your money there and to allow you to take it out when you need to
account /əkáunt/ n2. a written or spoken description of an event
account /əkáunt/ n3. an agreement with a shop or company that allows you to buy things and pay for them later
account /əkáunt/ n4. a customer who does business with a company
account /əkáunt/ v. to think of someone or something in the stated way; judge
account for to form the total of something: to explain the reason for something or the cause of something
accountability /əkàuntəbíləti/ n. the quality or state of being accountable
accountable /əkáuntəbl/ adj. responsible for the effects of your actions and willing to explain or be criticized for them
accountant /əkáunt(ə)nt/ n. someone who keeps or examines the records of money received, paid and owed by a company or person
accounting /əkáuntiŋ/ n. the skill or activity of keeping records of the money a person or organization earns and spends
accredited /əkréditid/ adj. officially recognized or approved
accumulate /əkjú:mjulèit/ v. to collect a large number of things over a long period of time: to gradually increase in number or amount
accumulation /əkjù:mjuléiʃən/ n. an amount of something that has been collected
accuracy /æ'kjurəsi/ n. being exact or correct: the ability to do something without making mistakes
accurate /æ'kjurət/ adj. correct, exact and without any mistakes
accurately /æ'kjəritli/ adv. with few mistakes: strictly correctly
accusation /æ`kjuzéiʃən/ n. a statement saying that someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something wrong
accuse /əkjú:z/ v. to say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal or unkind
accustom /əkʌ'stəm/ v. to make yourself or another person become used to a situation or place
accustomed /əkʌ'stəmd/ adj. familiar with something: usual
achieve /əʧí:v/ v. to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work or effort
achievement /əʧí:vmənt/ n. something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing
acknowledge /æknɑ'liʤ/ v. to accept, admit or recognize something, or the truth or existence of something
acknowledgment /æknɑ'liʤmənt/ n. accepting that something is true or right
acknowledgment /æknɑ'liʤmənt/ n. something given to thank someone for what they have done
acquaintance /əkwéint(ə)ns/ n1. a person that you have met but do not know well: knowledge of a subject
acquaintance /əkwéint(ə)ns/ n2. used in some expressions about knowing or meeting people
acquire /əkwáiər/ v1. to obtain something by buying it or being given it
acquire /əkwáiər/ v2. to get or gain something: to gain knowledge or learn a skill
acquisition /æ`kwəzíʃən/ n1. the process by which you gain knowledge or learn a skill: the act of getting land, power, money etc
acquisition /æ`kwəzíʃən/ n2. something that you have obtained by buying it or being given it

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